Imagine that you have something you want to share with us. The easiest way to do that, is to write us. And we will write back. Easy, right?
    8 Lights est un studio de création créé en 2010 à Brest par Yann Friant. De la conception de votre identité visuelle au design de site internet, 8 Lights vous aide à améliorer votre image et votre notoriété. Parce que chacun d’entre vous est unique, nous vous proposons un conseil personnalisé en terme de stratégie de communication quel que soit votre projet, graphique, web ou multimédia.
    Alternative mail option : contact@8-lights.com


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Imagine a circle. 360°. It stands for a round
concept and a total problem solution…

Ok ok, you know that we know all the marketing wish-wash. But do you know, that we can offer you everything you need in marketing? In any way and channel? Is it because we can do everything?
No. It’s because we can do a lot. And for everything else we use our imagination and trusted partners. But in the end you don’t care how things happen. You just want them to be perfect. You want the circle. 360°. Here it is.


  • Marketing
  • Planning
  • Strategy
  • Creative Reflexion

  • Art Direction
  • CGI
  • Creative Direction
  • Image Creation

  • Directing
  • Photography
  • Post-Production
  • Music composition

  • Hosting Services
  • Web Solutions
  • Mobile Development
  • Maintenance